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How can ego ruin your trading careerViews: 416
Jan 19, 2018 10:30 amHow can ego ruin your trading career#

Sandy Smith
There are lots of traders who think they can trade the market with their profit. They need to know that they have to withdraw some of their money from their hand to make their profit. If you are trading in Forex and you are never withdrawing any of your money, it is not going to have a good impact on your career. You will make a lot of money and you will think that you are now a successful trader in Forex. You will be happy and you will place one bad trade in Forex and all of your profit will be lost. We are saying that it has happened to many traders. They have started their career wonderfully in Forex. They are trading the market, making their profit and also withdrawing their money. They become smarter and think they do not need to withdraw their profit from the Forex market. They place one bad trade and they lost all their money in Forex. If you are thinking that this article is going to tell you about withdrawing your money from the market, you are wrong. We are going to tell you the reasons why egos can slow down your careers in Forex. The above reason was not egos but it is one of the examples how it can affect your career. This article will tell you the other reasons you can lose your money when you are egoistic.
Emotions will cost you Trading the financial instrument is an art and you need to have proper discipline in order to become a profitable trader. All the professional Aussie traders always suggest the novice traders trade this market without any emotion. You need to find profitable trade setup by using the rational logic and your trading skills. If you start trading based on your emotions then chances are very high that you will never succeed in the Forex market. It’s true that controlling the emotion is really hard but if you devote yourself then it won’t take much time to learn it. At times you will often see series of losing trades but this is very normal. Wait on the sideline for the next trading opportunity to recover your trading loss.
Learn from the expert If you looking to become a profitable trader within a short period of time than you should learn from the expert Aussie traders. In the Forex trading industry, there is no shortcut to making a huge amount of money. You need to think this as your business and develop a balance trading strategy to make a profit on a regular basis. Never allow your emotion to trade on behalf of you. Focus on the market data and use the risk management factor to place organized trade in this market.
It makes you stubborn When you are egoistic, you do not see other people and think what you are doing is right on the market. It is not right and it makes you stubborn on the market. We have seen a lot of people who were smart and wonderful in their career. They trade with discipline but they become egoistic. They think they are the winner in Forex and begin to trade with unrealistic expectation. Things did not turn well for them and they had to lose their money. When you are trading in Forex, you will need to know that all of the hard work can only be paid when you are successful in Forex. If you are stubborn and think you will make your money, you cannot make the profit consistently.
Makes you blind It does not make you blind physically that you cannot see anything but it blinds you as a trader. You will take the most outrageous tares and you will not understand how much risk you are taking inForex. This is ridiculous and you will only understand it after losing your money.

Private Reply to Sandy Smith

Feb 28, 2018 5:24 amre: How can ego ruin your trading career#

Kerstin Motona
Nice post! I agree that ego can really ruin your career as a Forex trader. You have to be humble and make sure that you take cautious steps in making trading decisions. Money is involved so always be careful.
I'd like to share these Forex trading ideas that can help everyone survive Forex trading http://alpari.com/en/analytics/reviews/trading_ideas/. These ideas are from experts.

Private Reply to Kerstin Motona

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